Mildly Interesting

Mildly interesting writings.

Nushell first impressions

Ive been experimenting with the tools I use on a regular basis lately – switching up my shell, terminal multiplexer, and even trying out other editors. Today, Id like to focus on my experiments with my shell. My old setup Before this, I had been using a minimal zsh setup for a long time, with only built in features and a handmade prompt. Zsh is a good shell, probably one of the best POSIX shells out there, and I still use it when a POSIX shell is needed....

2024-3-1 · Gabe Venberg

Building My New Keyboard.

Ive been using a split keyboard at home now for several years (specifically, the UHKv2, though nowadays I probably would have gone for something ortholinear) and ive always wanted one for the office. The problem was, if I was going to get a new keyboard, I wanted it to be for both the office and travel, and most prebuilts around are not that portable. I also was not confident enough in my soldering skills to solder the SMT diodes found on many handbuilt designs out there....

2024-2-6 · Gabe Venberg

Rust Embedded Unit Testing

Ive been messing around with embedded rust recently, using the BBC micro:bit as a learning platform. Its really cool to see a high level language achieving the same results as low level c. However, one of my favorite features of rust, the ease of unit testing, is a bit less straightforward to do in cross-compiled, no-std projects. Obviously we cant run tests on our local machine that rely on hardware only found on the target board, but most of a project is going to be logic independent of the hardware its running on....

2023-10-28 · Gabe Venberg

Dotfile Management with GNU Stow

So ive been using git to managing my dotfiles since [checks git log]… 2018. At first, I was going to write some inevitably brittle shell script to handle symlinking from the dotfile repo to where each file should be, but before I got about to implementing it, I discovered stow. Now, after using stow for dotfile management for over 5 years, I figure I should really document exactly how I go about managing my dotfiles, with an aim to help other people who want to have an easy to manage dotfiles repo that can be quickly deployed on new machines....

2023-7-29 · Gabe Venberg

Getting the Nextcloud client to save login info on arch linux (or any barebones linux distro)

During the 5 or so years Ive had nextcloud, Ive always been quite happy with the webclient, but the device clients… need some work. I recently figured out how to resolve one of my biggest pain points on the Linux desktop client, and am recording it here, mostly so I dont forget next time I setup a new computer, and to save others with the same problem from endless forum post and GitHub issue crawling....

2021-12-12 · Gabe Venberg

Mapping caps lock to ctrl in the TTY

In the past 2 years or so, I have been using my caps lock key as a separate ctrl key on my desktop keyboard. This is very easy to do in X11 with a setxkmap command. However, with my laptop, I try to run without X as much as possible. (Ive found it make a nice, distraction free environment, and it seems to be pretty good for battery life) Obviously, without X, we cannot use setxkmap....

2021-5-23 · Gabe Venberg

Archlinux install with btrfs, systemd-boot, full-disk encryption, and suspend-to-disk

Ive been using Arch Linux for several years now. Of course, my first installs were… blunderous, as i wanted to do full disk encryption from the get-go, and I didnt know what I was doing. After those first one or two installs, I generally settled on LVM on LUKS with a GRUB bootloader and my swap on an LVM volume, mostly because it makes it much easier to setup hibernation/suspend to disk vs, say, a swap file....

2021-4-11 · Gabe Venberg